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User to Biscuit Token Plugin

This plugin enables seamless authentication by extracting the user identity from the request context, generating a Biscuit Token, and injecting it into the request as a valid authentication token.

How It Works

  1. User Extraction: The plugin retrieves the user information from the request header or other specified sources.
  2. Biscuit Token Generation: Using the extracted user data, the plugin forges a Biscuit Token.
  3. Request Augmentation: The generated Biscuit Token is inserted into the request.


The plugin requires a minimal configuration to function properly. Below is a sample configuration:

"forge_ref": "YOUR_FORGE_ID", // The reference to your Biscuit Forge ID used for signing tokens.
"extractor_header_name": "header", // The name of the request header that contains the user identity (e.g., "Authorization").
"auto_facts": true // Boolean flag indicating whether additional facts should be automatically included in the token.

Configuration Example

A practical configuration example is as follows:

"forge_ref": "biscuit-forge_be34f21f-14fd-4fa0-acc0-0a07b4233393",
"extractor_header_name": "user-token",
"auto_facts": true

Configuration Parameters

forge_refStringUnique reference to the Biscuit Forge responsible for signing and issuing tokens.
extractor_header_nameStringThe header name from which the user identity is extracted.
auto_factsBooleanIf set to true, additional user-related facts will be automatically embedded into the generated Biscuit Token.


  1. Configure the plugin as per the above specifications.
  2. Ensure the appropriate request headers include user identity data.
  3. Upon receiving a request, the plugin will extract the user, generate a Biscuit Token, and insert it into the request.
  4. The authenticated request is sent to the destination service.