📄️ Verifier plugin
Example Request Before Using a Biscuit Verifier
📄️ Attenuator plugin
When attenuating a Biscuit token from sources such as headers, cookies, or query parameters, the process begins by extracting and validating the original token.
📄️ Client Credentials plugin
Client Credentials plugin
📄️ Exposing Biscuit Public Keys
Biscuit tokens rely on public key cryptography for secure, decentralized authorization. To enable verification, public keys need to be exposed to services that will validate Biscuit tokens.
📄️ Biscuit User Extractor plugin
The Biscuit User Extractor plugin enables you to extract user-related information from a Biscuit token and inject it into the request context as an authenticated user.
📄️ User to Biscuit Token Plugin
This plugin enables seamless authentication by extracting the user identity from the request context, generating a Biscuit Token, and injecting it into the request as a valid authentication token.