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App Installation

Download Otoroshi


First, download the Otoroshi jar file:

curl -L -o otoroshi.jar ''

Download the Biscuit Studio Extension

Download Otoroshi Biscuit Studio extension

Next, download the Biscuit Studio extension for Otoroshi:

You can download the latest release of otoroshi-biscuit-studio from here.

curl -L -o biscuit-studio-extension.jar ''

Run Otoroshi with the Biscuit Studio Extension

Run Otoroshi with the Biscuit Studio extension by executing the following command:

java -cp "./biscuit-studio-extension.jar:./otoroshi.jar" -Dotoroshi.adminLogin=admin -Dotoroshi.adminPassword=password play.core.server.ProdServerStart

This will start the Otoroshi API Gateway with Biscuit Studio integrated. You can access the Otoroshi UI by opening in your browser.

Default Otoroshi UI credentials:
Username: admin
Password: password

Use it on Cloud APIM with Otoroshi Managed Instances

Register on Cloud APIM

Go to your Cloud APIM console and now click on Managed Instance then New instance and select Otoroshi's logo.

Accessing the Otoroshi with Interface

Once your Otoroshi instance is created you can click on 'console' button to open the interface and login with your credentials.

Now you can use the Biscuit Studio extension, it is included in your Otoroshi managed instance.

Setting Up on Clever Cloud

Create a new Otoroshi add-on

  1. Create a new add-on by selecting the Create... dropdown in the sidebar, then choose Add-On.
  2. Pick the Otoroshi with LLM add-on.
  3. Give your Otoroshi with LLM add-on a name and choose a deployment zone.