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Otoroshi cluster resources

the main goal of otoroshictl is to help you manage your otoroshi cluster and its entities

but first we need to know what entities are manageable

List all managed entities

$ otoroshictl entities

| kind              | singular_name      | plural_name         | group                              | version | served | deprecated | storage |
| Route             | route              | routes              |                  | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| Backend           | backend            | backends            |                  | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| RouteComposition  | route-composition  | route-compositions  |                  | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| ServiceDescriptor | service-descriptor | service-descriptors |                  | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| TcpService        | tcp-service        | tcp-services        |                  | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| ErrorTemplate     | error-templates    | error-templates     |                  | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| Apikey            | apikey             | apikeys             |                   | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| Certificate       | certificate        | certificates        |                    | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| JwtVerifier       | jwt-verifier       | jwt-verifiers       |               | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| AuthModule        | auth-module        | auth-modules        |               | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| AdminSession      | admin-session      | admin-sessions      |               | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| SimpleAdminUser   | admins             | admins              |               | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| AuthModuleUser    | auth-module-user   | auth-module-users   |               | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| ServiceGroup      | service-group      | service-groups      |               | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| Organization      | organization       | organizations       |               | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| Tenant            | tenant             | tenants             |               | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| Team              | team               | teams               |               | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| DateExporter      | data-exporter      | data-exporters      |                 | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| Script            | script             | scripts             |                | v1      | true   | true       | true    |
| WasmPlugin        | wasm-plugin        | wasm-plugins        |                | v1      | true   | true       | true    |
| GlobalConfig      | global-config      | global-configs      |                 | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| GreenScore        | green-score        | green-scores        | | v1      | true   | false      | true    |
| CorazaConfig      | coraza-config      | coraza-configs      |  | v1      | true   | false      | true    |

now we can start working with the otoroshictl resources commands

The resources commands

$ otoroshictl resources -h

Manage all the resources (entities) of the current otoroshi cluster

Usage: otoroshictl resources [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  template  Generate a template for the current kind
  crds      Generate crds manifest for kubernetes
  rbac      Generate rbac manifest for kubernetes
  get       Get otoroshi resource from current cluster
  delete    Delete otoroshi resources
  patch     Update otoroshi resources through json merge or json patch
  edit      Update otoroshi resources
  create    Create otoroshi resources
  apply     Synchronise otoroshi resources from files or directories
  export    Export otoroshi resources to files or directories
  import    Import data from an export file
  help      Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

Get all entities of a kind

you can list any kind of entity, here for instance certificates

$ otoroshictl resources get certificates

| id                                            | name                                         | description                                      | enabled | tags | metadata |
| otoroshi-client                               | Otoroshi Default Client Certificate          | Otoroshi client certificate (auto-generated)     |         |  0   |    2     |
| otoroshi-intermediate-ca                      | Otoroshi Default Intermediate CA Certificate | Otoroshi intermediate CA (auto-generated)        |         |  0   |    2     |
| otoroshi-root-ca                              | Otoroshi Default Root CA Certificate         | Otoroshi root CA (auto-generated)                |         |  0   |    2     |
| otoroshi-jwt-signing                          | Otoroshi Default Jwt Signing Keypair         | Otoroshi jwt signing keypair (auto-generated)    |         |  0   |    2     |
| kubernetes-mesh-cert                          | Kubernetes Mesh Certificate                  | Kubernetes Mesh Certificate (auto-generated)     |         |  0   |    2     |
| kubernetes-webhooks-cert                      | Kubernetes Webhooks Certificate              | Kubernetes Webhooks Certificate (auto-generated) |         |  0   |    3     |

don't forget about the -o json or -o yaml flag for something more detailed

details of the command

$ otoroshictl resources get -h

Get otoroshi resource from current cluster

Usage: otoroshictl resources get [OPTIONS] [RESOURCE] [ID]

  [RESOURCE]  Optional resource name to operate on
  [ID]        Optional resource id to operate on

      --columns <COLUMNS>
          Optional comma separated list of columns to display
  -v, --verbose
          Turn debugging information on
  -k, --kube
          Add kube armor to resources
  -o, --ouput <FORMAT>
          Change the rendering format (can be one of: json, yaml, json_pretty)
      --page <PAGE>
          The viewed page
      --page-size <PAGE_SIZE>
          The viewed page size
  -f, --filters <FILTERS>
          Filter the returned elements

Get one entity of a kind

$ otoroshictl resources get certificates otoroshi-client

| id              | name                                | description                                  | enabled | tags | metadata |
| otoroshi-client | Otoroshi Default Client Certificate | Otoroshi client certificate (auto-generated) |         |  0   |    2     |

don't forget about the -o json or -o yaml flag for something more detailed

details of the command

$ otoroshictl resources get -h

Get otoroshi resource from current cluster

Usage: otoroshictl resources get [OPTIONS] [RESOURCE] [ID]

  [RESOURCE]  Optional resource name to operate on
  [ID]        Optional resource id to operate on

      --columns <COLUMNS>
          Optional comma separated list of columns to display
  -v, --verbose
          Turn debugging information on
  -k, --kube
          Add kube armor to resources
  -o, --ouput <FORMAT>
          Change the rendering format (can be one of: json, yaml, json_pretty)
      --page <PAGE>
          The viewed page
      --page-size <PAGE_SIZE>
          The viewed page size
  -f, --filters <FILTERS>
          Filter the returned elements

Delete one entity of a kind

$ otoroshictl resources delete certificates otoroshi-client

details of the command

$ otoroshictl resources delete -h

Delete otoroshi resources

Usage: otoroshictl resources delete [OPTIONS] [RESOURCE] [IDS]...

  [RESOURCE]  Optional resource name to operate on
  [IDS]...    the ids to delete

  -f, --file <FILE or URL>
          The file to delete
  -v, --verbose
          Turn debugging information on
  -d, --directory <DIR>
          The directory to delete
  -o, --ouput <FORMAT>
          Change the rendering format (can be one of: json, yaml, json_pretty)
  -r, --recursive
          Walk through sub directories

Create one entity of a kind

you can create an entity by passing a reference to a file or a url like

$ otoroshictl resources create route -f ./route.json
$ otoroshictl resources create route -f

or using stdin

$ cat ./route.json | otoroshi resources create route --stdin

or using the --data flag

$ otoroshictl resources create route \
  --data name=demootoroshictl \
  --data frontend.domain='' \
  --data backend.target_url='' \
  --data plugins.0.plugin='' \
  --data plugins.1.plugin=''

or by inlining entity content

$ otoroshictl resources create route '{kind':'Route', ... }'

or finaly by using you prefered editor

$ otoroshictl resources create route

that will launch the editor defined in your EDITOR env. variable

the details of the command

$ otoroshictl resources create -h

Create otoroshi resources

Usage: otoroshictl resources create [OPTIONS] <RESOURCE> [INPUT]

  <RESOURCE>  The resource name to operate on
  [INPUT]     The optional inline entity input

  -f, --file <FILE or URL>
          The file to sync
  -v, --verbose
          Turn debugging information on
      --data <PATH=VALUE>
          Use inline PATH=VALUE tuples as entity input
  -o, --ouput <FORMAT>
          Change the rendering format (can be one of: json, yaml, json_pretty)
          Use stdin as entity input

Update one entity of a kind

you can update an entity using the edit command. You can use it in the following manners

using a file or an url

$ otoroshictl resources edit route my-route -f ./my-route.json
$ otoroshictl resources edit route my-route -f

or using stdin

$ cat ./my-route.json | otoroshi resources edit route my-route --stdin

or using the --data flag

$ otoroshictl resources edit route my-route \
  --data name=my-route \
  --data frontend.domain='' \
  --data backend.target_url='' \
  --data plugins.0.plugin='' \
  --data plugins.1.plugin=''

or by inlining entity content

$ otoroshictl resources edit route my-route '{'kind':'Route', ... }'

or finaly by using you prefered editor

$ otoroshictl resources edit route my-route

that will launch the editor defined in your EDITOR env. variable

the details of the command

$ otoroshictl resources edit -h

Update otoroshi resources

Usage: otoroshictl resources edit [OPTIONS] <RESOURCE> <ID> [INPUT]

  <RESOURCE>  The resource name to operate on
  <ID>        The resource id to operate on
  [INPUT]     The optional inline entity input

  -f, --file <FILE or URL>
          The file to sync
  -v, --verbose
          Turn debugging information on
      --data <PATH=VALUE>
          Use inline PATH=VALUE tuples as entity input
  -o, --ouput <FORMAT>
          Change the rendering format (can be one of: json, yaml, json_pretty)
          Use stdin as entity input

Patch one entity of a kind

you can also update on entity using the patch command, in that case, the format of the payload is json patch

the details of the command

$ otoroshictl resources patch -h

Update otoroshi resources through json merge or json patch

Usage: otoroshictl resources patch [OPTIONS] <RESOURCE> <ID> [MERGE]

  <RESOURCE>  The resource name to operate on
  <ID>        The resource id to operate on
  [MERGE]     The json object to merge

  -f, --file <FILE or URL>
          The file containing the json object to merge
  -v, --verbose
          Turn debugging information on
      --data <PATH=VALUE>
          Use inline PATH=VALUE tuples as entity input
  -o, --ouput <FORMAT>
          Change the rendering format (can be one of: json, yaml, json_pretty)
          Use stdin as entity input

Entities import

you can import the content of an entire otoroshi cluster from an export file using the import command like

$ otoroshictl resources import -f ./export.json
$ otoroshictl resources import -f

you can use the --nd-json flag if the file contains an nd-json export

the details of the command

$ otoroshictl resources import -h

Import data from an export file

Usage: otoroshictl resources import [OPTIONS] --file <FILE or URL>

  -f, --file <FILE or URL>
          The file to import
          import from ndjson format

Entities export

you can perform otoroshi exports with the export command

you can export everything in one file

$ otoroshictl resources export -f export.json

you can also specify a directory, in that case entities will be exported with one file per kind

$ otoroshictl resources export -d export

$ ls -l ./export

total 808
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi       2 26 avr 10:46 admin-sessions.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi     571 26 avr 10:46 admins.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi   10724 26 avr 10:46 apikeys.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi       2 26 avr 10:46 auth-module-users.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi    5633 26 avr 10:46 auth-modules.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi    1650 26 avr 10:46 backends.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi   72071 26 avr 10:46 certificates.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi     823 26 avr 10:46 coraza-configs.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi    5620 26 avr 10:46 data-exporters.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi    8473 26 avr 10:46 error-templates.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi   10124 26 avr 10:46 global-configs.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi    2332 26 avr 10:46 green-scores.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi     704 26 avr 10:46 jwt-verifiers.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi     404 26 avr 10:46 organizations.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi  205196 26 avr 10:46 routes.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi       2 26 avr 10:46 scripts.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi    6590 26 avr 10:46 service-descriptors.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi     646 26 avr 10:46 service-groups.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi       2 26 avr 10:46 tcp-services.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi     473 26 avr 10:46 teams.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi     392 26 avr 10:46 tenants.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 otoroshi  otoroshi    6086 26 avr 10:46 wasm-plugins.json

or ask to split everything in one file per entity

$ otoroshictl resources export -d export --split-files

$ ls -l ./export

total 0
drwxr-xr-x@  3 otoroshi  otoroshi    96 26 avr 10:50 admins
drwxr-xr-x@ 11 otoroshi  otoroshi   352 26 avr 10:50 apikeys
drwxr-xr-x@  5 otoroshi  otoroshi   160 26 avr 10:50 auth-modules
drwxr-xr-x@  3 otoroshi  otoroshi    96 26 avr 10:48 backends
drwxr-xr-x@ 13 otoroshi  otoroshi   416 26 avr 10:50 certificates
drwxr-xr-x@  3 otoroshi  otoroshi    96 26 avr 10:50 coraza-configs
drwxr-xr-x@  8 otoroshi  otoroshi   256 26 avr 10:50 data-exporters
drwxr-xr-x@  3 otoroshi  otoroshi    96 26 avr 10:50 error-templates
drwxr-xr-x@  3 otoroshi  otoroshi    96 26 avr 10:50 global-configs
drwxr-xr-x@  3 otoroshi  otoroshi    96 26 avr 10:50 green-scores
drwxr-xr-x@  3 otoroshi  otoroshi    96 26 avr 10:50 jwt-verifiers
drwxr-xr-x@  4 otoroshi  otoroshi   128 26 avr 10:50 organizations
drwxr-xr-x@ 64 otoroshi  otoroshi  2048 26 avr 10:48 routes
drwxr-xr-x@  3 otoroshi  otoroshi    96 26 avr 10:48 service-descriptors
drwxr-xr-x@  4 otoroshi  otoroshi   128 26 avr 10:50 service-groups
drwxr-xr-x@  3 otoroshi  otoroshi    96 26 avr 10:50 teams
drwxr-xr-x@  4 otoroshi  otoroshi   128 26 avr 10:50 tenants
drwxr-xr-x@  6 otoroshi  otoroshi   192 26 avr 10:50 wasm-plugins

you can also export in yaml and with kubernetes manifest armoring

$ otoroshictl resources export -d export --split-files -o yaml --kube

the details of the command

$ otoroshictl resources export -h

Export otoroshi resources to files or directories

Usage: otoroshictl resources export [OPTIONS]

  -f, --file <FILE>
  -d, --directory <DIR>
          The directory to sync
  -o, --ouput <FORMAT>
          Change the rendering format (can be one of: json, yaml, json_pretty)
          Split the export into one entity per file
          Split the export into one entity per file
          Export in ndjson format

Entities synchronize any entity

with the apply command you will be able to synchronize your otoroshi cluster with a files containing any kind of entity.

you can use file or urls

$ otoroshictl resources apply -f entities.json
$ otoroshictl resources apply -f

or even a directory

$ otoroshictl resources apply -d entities --recursive

you can also add a --watch flag to keep everything in sync as you edit files

$ otoroshictl resources apply -d entities --recursive --watch

the details of the command

$ otoroshictl resources apply -h

Synchronise otoroshi resources from files or directories

Usage: otoroshictl resources apply [OPTIONS]

  -f, --file <FILE or URL>
          The file to sync
  -d, --directory <DIR>
          The directory to sync
  -o, --ouput <FORMAT>
          Change the rendering format (can be one of: json, yaml, json_pretty)
  -r, --recursive
          Walk through sub directories
  -w, --watch
          Keep watching file changes

Entity templates

you can generate at any moment a template for any kind of entity supported by the current otoroshi cluster

$ otoroshictl resources template apikey

  - default
  tenant: default
allowClientIdOnly: false
authorizations: []
authorizedEntities: []
authorizedGroup: null
clientId: kpw38ige9gw51ju6
clientName: client-name-apikey
clientSecret: 1oo2a4fishjvv8a7kn9sw984r44wc3bi4txioj0en20y2hy1uj7xk7ax78sonnis
constrainedServicesOnly: false
dailyQuota: 10000000
description: ''
enabled: true
metadata: {}
monthlyQuota: 10000000
readOnly: false
  allowLast: true
  allowed: []
  enabled: false
  forbidden: []
  notFound: []
  enabled: false
  gracePeriod: 168
  nextSecret: null
  rotationEvery: 744
tags: []
throttlingQuota: 10000000
validUntil: null

Kubernetes specific commands

otoroshictl can help you generate your rbac and crds manifests

$ otoroshictl resources crds

apiVersion: ""
kind: "CustomResourceDefinition"
  name: ""
  group: ""
    kind: "Route"
    plural: "routes"
    singular: "route"
  scope: "Namespaced"
  - name: "v1alpha1"
    served: false
    storage: false
    deprecated: true
        x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
        type: "object"
  - name: "v1"
    served: true
    storage: true
    deprecated: false
        x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
        type: "object"
apiVersion: ""
kind: "CustomResourceDefinition"
  name: ""
  group: ""
    kind: "Backend"
    plural: "backends"
    singular: "backend"
  scope: "Namespaced"
  - name: "v1alpha1"
    served: false
    storage: false
    deprecated: true
        x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
        type: "object"
  - name: "v1"
    served: true
    storage: true
    deprecated: false
        x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
        type: "object"
$ otoroshictl resources rbac

kind: ServiceAccount
apiVersion: v1
    name: otoroshi-admin-user
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    name: otoroshi-admin-user
    kind: ClusterRole
    name: otoroshi-admin-user
- kind: ServiceAccount
    name: otoroshi-admin-user
    namespace: $namespace
kind: ClusterRole
    name: otoroshi-admin-user
    - apiGroups:
        - ""
        - services
        - endpoints
        - secrets
        - configmaps
        - deployments
        - namespaces
        - pods
        - get
        - list
        - watch
    - apiGroups:
        - "apps"
        - deployments
        - get
        - list
        - watch
    - apiGroups:
        - ""
        - secrets
        - configmaps
        - update
        - create
        - delete
    - apiGroups:
        - extensions
        - ingresses
        - ingressclasses
        - get
        - list
        - watch
    - apiGroups:
        - extensions
        - ingresses/status
        - update
    - apiGroups:
        - validatingwebhookconfigurations
        - mutatingwebhookconfigurations
        - get
        - update
        - patch
    - apiGroups:
        - routes
        - backends
        - route-compositions
        - service-descriptors
        - tcp-services
        - error-templates
        - apikeys
        - certificates
        - jwt-verifiers
        - auth-modules
        - admin-sessions
        - admins
        - auth-module-users
        - service-groups
        - organizations
        - tenants
        - teams
        - data-exporters
        - scripts
        - wasm-plugins
        - global-configs
        - green-scores
        - coraza-configs
        - get
        - list
        - watch