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Otoroshi cluster metrics

at any moment you can get your cluster metrics with the command

$ otoroshictl metrics

| name                                                                          | type    | value | count | max                  | mean                 | min                  | p50                  | p75                  | p95                  | p98                  | p99                  | p999                 | stddev                | m15_rate            | m1_rate              | m5_rate              | mean_rate             | duration_units | rate_units   |
| ng-report-request-step-call-pre-route-plugins                                 | metrics |       |   2   |       0.847625       | 0.24076960033273856  |       0.023292       |       0.023292       |       0.847625       |       0.847625       |       0.847625       |       0.847625       |       0.847625       |  0.36328701610242137  | 0.08271209918305132 | 4.004387308935412e-7 | 0.014181951750430924 | 0.0024725575580847982 | milliseconds   | calls/second |
| ng-report-request-step-call-backend                                           | metrics |       |   2   |      52.502125       |  19.763986639819155  |  8.031666999999999   |  8.031666999999999   |      52.502125       |      52.502125       |      52.502125       |      52.502125       |      52.502125       |   19.59832400115547   | 0.08271209918305132 | 4.004387308935412e-7 | 0.014181951750430924 | 0.0024725567317391514 | milliseconds   | calls/second |
|             | metrics |       |   2   |       0.344583       | 0.10357560911071675  |       0.017209       |       0.017209       |       0.344583       |       0.344583       |       0.344583       |       0.344583       |       0.344583       |  0.14427401402098872  | 0.08271209918305132 | 4.004387308935412e-7 | 0.014181951750430924 | 0.0024725495097628145 | milliseconds   | calls/second |
| ng-report-transform-request-transform-request-merged                          | metrics |       |   2   |      34.722167       |  10.368793630856835  |       1.641375       |       1.641375       |      34.722167       |      34.722167       |      34.722167       |      34.722167       |      34.722167       |  14.578823150929324   | 0.08271209918305132 | 4.004387308935412e-7 | 0.014181951750430924 | 0.002472554544620242  | milliseconds   | calls/second |
| ng-report-request-overhead-out                                                | metrics |       |   2   |      11.034834       |  3.4146463942256555  |       0.683916       |       0.683916       |      11.034834       |      11.034834       |      11.034834       |      11.034834       |      11.034834       |   4.561652979435156   | 0.08271209918305132 | 4.004387308935412e-7 | 0.014181951750430924 | 0.002472547892103977  | milliseconds   | calls/second |
| ng-report-request-step-extract-tracking-id                                    | metrics |       |   2   | 0.016541999999999998 | 0.007523088881447147 |       0.004291       |       0.004291       | 0.016541999999999998 | 0.016541999999999998 | 0.016541999999999998 | 0.016541999999999998 | 0.016541999999999998 | 0.0053990668035351005 | 0.08271209918305132 | 4.004387308935412e-7 | 0.014181951750430924 | 0.002472555729373236  | milliseconds   | calls/second |
| ng-report-request-step-choose-backend                                         | metrics |       |   2   |      13.332542       |  4.122134612669894   |  0.8214159999999999  |  0.8214159999999999  |      13.332542       |      13.332542       |      13.332542       |      13.332542       |      13.332542       |   5.51370683783902    | 0.08271209918305132 | 4.004387308935412e-7 | 0.014181951750430924 | 0.0024725559372333356 | milliseconds   | calls/second |

you can also use the --columns parameter to filter ou columns or --filters to get only the desired rows

Metrics command usage

$ otoroshictl metrics -h

Display metrics of the current otoroshi cluster

Usage: otoroshictl metrics [OPTIONS]

      --columns <COLUMNS>
          Optional comma separated list of columns to display
  -v, --verbose
          Turn debugging information on
      --filters <FILTERS>
          Optional comma separated filters for metrics name
  -o, --ouput <FORMAT>
          Change the rendering format (can be one of: json, yaml, json_pretty)
  -c, --config-file <FILE or URL>
          Sets a custom config file
          Sets the tls flag to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
      --otoroshi-cluster-hostname <HOSTNAME>
          Sets the hostname to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
      --otoroshi-cluster-port <PORT>
          Sets the port to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
          Sets the tls flag to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
      --otoroshi-cluster-routing-hostname <HOSTNAME>
          Sets the hostname to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
      --otoroshi-cluster-routing-port <PORT>
          Sets the port to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
      --otoroshi-user-client-id <CLIENT_ID>
          Sets the client_id to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
      --otoroshi-user-client-secret <CLIENT_SECRET>
          Sets the client_secret to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
      --otoroshi-user-health-key <HEALTH_KEY>
          Sets the health_key to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
      --otoroshi-cluster-cert-location <FILE>
          Sets the client cert location to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
      --otoroshi-cluster-key-location <FILE>
          Sets the client cert key location to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
      --otoroshi-cluster-ca-location <FILE>
          Sets the client cert ca location to connect to a custom otoroshi cluster without using a config file
  -h, --help
          Print help